Night Guards For TMJ and Bruxism

Nightguards Can Relieve Pain

Those who wake up with sore jaws and occasionally damaged teeth can be reasonably sure they are clenching their teeth in the night. This can become a dental nightmare because repeated clenching can cause chipped or cracked teeth.
Most people who clench their teeth don’t realize they are doing it because they do it in their sleep. Some do it without thinking while they are awake. Also called bruxism, teeth clenching is typically related to stress. However, it is known to affect particular personalities.

Those who have trouble with nervous tension, anger, frustration, or pain are some of those who suffer from it. The other personality type that tends to deal with bruxism is those who are overly competitive, aggressive, or always in a hurry. Finding relief from teeth clenching can take some time with counseling and medication, among other things. A dentist dealing with a patient who clenches their teeth looks for an immediate answer that saves the teeth. That answer is a nightguard.

About Nightguards

A nightguard is a plastic device that fits over your teeth. It’s similar to a retainer but with a different purpose. A nightguard prevents your teeth from striking each other when you go into grinding. This keeps a space between the two rows of teeth and protects them from excessive wear and damage. That can protect teeth from things like chips, cracks, and even gum recession.
A nightguard doesn’t fix the teeth clenching behavior but prevents your teeth from being damaged by it.

Customized Nightguards

You can’t just buy a nightguard at a drugstore and expect it to work. They are sold in stores but these types of nightguards could shift the position of your teeth, similar to a retainer. They can also be uncomfortable. A dentist can craft you a customized nightguard that fits your teeth perfectly. It’s the safest and most comfortable choice.

Get Relief from Jaw Pain

Teeth clenching can cause jaw pain and headaches. It can shift your teeth and jaw out of alignment too. A customized nightguard can shift your teeth and jaw back into their proper placement. That can alleviate the tension in the jaw and stop all the other symptoms that come with teeth grinding.
Teeth clenching can cause jaw pain and headaches. It can shift your teeth and jaw out of alignment too. A customized nightguard can shift your teeth and jaw back into their proper placement. That can alleviate the tension in the jaw and stop all the other symptoms that come with teeth grinding. Those who have jaw pain or teeth issues should make an appointment for an exam. Impressions can be made for a customized nightguard that could end many sleep issues. Make an appointment today!
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