Tooth Extractions in Cambridge, ON

Tooth Extractions Explained

The last thing a dentist wants to do is pull a tooth. The focus of dentistry is on preventing oral health disease and dentists will always do all they can to save teeth. However, there are times when an extraction is necessary.
Tooth extractions don’t have to be painful and result in no side effects. We have ways to make the process bearable and have options for replacing teeth.

When Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

A dentist will inform you when a situation makes a tooth extraction the only viable solution. Almost everyone will need four extractions in their lifetime regardless of oral health. That’s because the majority of people get wisdom teeth as a young adult. These four teeth are usually removed because they can crowd out other teeth or are impacted. It isn’t true for every case but for most.
Other reasons for getting a tooth pulled include:
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A dental injury

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A severely cracked or damaged tooth

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Tooth decay

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Gum disease causing tooth rot

How an Extraction Is Done

Tooth extractions are a common procedure that can be done by a general dentist unless there are complications like an impacted tooth or the need for gum surgery as well. Oral surgeons and periodontists perform the more complicated extractions, especially those related to gum disease.
The procedure starts with the dentist putting a topical on the gum so the injected local anesthetic doesn’t hurt. Then, the dentist will inject a local anesthetic that will numb the area.
The tooth is loosened by the dentist and lifted out of the socket. There are times when an incision must be made on the gums to get to the tooth. The tooth is taken out and the dentist then cleans the socket and disinfects it.
A dentist will ask you if you will consider having a dental implant as a replacement tooth. If so, the dentist will do a bone graft to ensure there is enough bone later for a dental implant. A dentist may do that anyway if they see the bone has deteriorated. The final step is to stitch up the wound.

After Care

The dentist will put a gauze over the spot and ask you to bite down. This is to stop the bleeding and assist in forming a blood clot over the wound. The gauze can come out after the bleeding stops or slows down. The area may bleed some for the next day but you should call the dentist if it bleeds heavily.
The dentist will give you an antibiotic to prevent infection. You will also receive instructions on activities that help or hinder healing. The dentist will tell you to stick to soft foods for a few days and to avoid sucking on straws. You will also want to avoid brushing over the wound when brushing your teeth.
Can we save your tooth or will it need to be pulled? Schedule an exam and find out. We’ll do everything we can to save teeth but are also experienced in extracting them with little pain or discomfort. Book an appointment today!


Aftercare for mini dental implants is the same as it would be for natural teeth including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. You should also visit your dentist regularly and use a fluoride toothpaste or rinse.
Ready to discuss mini dental implants? Schedule an exam and consult today with us!
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