Clear Braces

Clear Braces Provide Subtle Changes

Once, the only option for straight teeth was metal braces. The fact that they are highly visible brought shame to many young people and swayed adults away from getting orthodontic treatment even when they needed it.
Clear braces offer the same efficiency as traditional metal braces but are subtle as well as fashionable. They may be the perfect solution between choosing metal braces and clear aligners

Defining Clear Braces

Clear braces are braces that work to straighten teeth like the metal version. The difference is in how they look. Clear braces have ceramic brackets and frosted wires to match your natural teeth so they are less noticeable.
The one structural difference between clear braces and metal braces is that the clear version isn’t as durable. Their lack of durability means your orthodontic treatments using clear braces may take longer to complete than with metal braces.

Getting Clear Braces

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Clear braces can fix any of the orthodontic problems that traditional braces fix. This includes bite issues, crowding, gaps between teeth, and overlapping teeth.

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You may have some tenderness once you get clear braces but it should go away after a few days. The biggest change will be in your diet. Hard, sticky, or crunchy foods should be avoided because they can break your brackets. You will get a list from your orthodontist.

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Those looking for a subtle way to get through orthodontic treatments should make an appointment to discuss clear braces. It's one of many options we have available. Your gorgeous smile is waiting.

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